Beaches / Riverdale


Gentle Yoga Class

January to March Session
Thursday's 11 AM - 12:15 PM
1192 Queen E, at Curzon, 1 block east of Jones at the Leslieville Sanctuary studio.

Daytime Classes Available
Nancy Molitz is available to teach  individual, small residential class, groups.
Private and Semi-Private Sessions by Appointment

Inquiries and Reservations: 416 763-9119

NANCY MOLITZ, B.Mus., R.M.F.T., Certified Yoga Instructor, has extensive training in interdisciplinary approaches to therapy and human development. A student of Sylvia Hellman-Swami Sivananda Radha, founder and director of the Yasodhara Ashram, Kootenay Bay, B.C., Nancy holds the Advanced Training Certificate. A graduate of the Eastman School of Music and for many years a concert artist, Nancy has trained artists, performers and people from all walks of life in various aspects of classical Yoga. Highly experienced and accomplished in her study, practice , and teaching of Yoga, Nancy is dedicated to helping people live and work at their best.

Nancy is a Psychotherapist in private practice and an Associate at the Institute of Family Living in Toronto. She uses integrated approaches including body work, music and art with individuals, families and groups as pathways to greater awareness and to build foundations for healing and fulfillment in creative living.















Nancy Molitz
Toronto Location: 416-763-9119,
Ottawa Location: 613-239-4200


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& The Institute of Family Living
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